For best fat burning results, cardiovascular target heart rates should be used. To determine a target heart rate for an apparently healthy person with controlled risk factors and not using any medication that affects heart rate and dynamics will use age predicted maximum heart rate or APMHR to determine the best cardiovascular target zone. APMHR is two hundred twenty minus age. Sixty to eighty percent of this the aerobic energy system burning fatty-acids and carbohydrates. At eighty to ninety percent, the subject is burning a combination of protein and carbohydrates. Above ninety percent, only carbohydrates are being utilized for energy.

If a patient is under the influence of medication affecting heart rate or dynamics, the cardiovascular program should be determined based on the last cardiac stress test performed by the patient. The heart rate reserve formula is used to develop a target heart zone for the individual. The heart rate reserve is maximum minus resting heart rate. This value is multiplied by a percentage and added back to the resting heart rate to determine target heart rates. Most patients will use sixty to eighty percent of heart rate reserve. People with high blood pressure are prescribed fifty to seventy percent of heart rate reserve. These are cardiovascular programs based on ACSM guidelines. Please visit for tailored cardiovascular programs.