The saying is that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. It turns out that eating the right foods will boost the immune system. The immune system works well with adequate servings of fruits and vegetables, eight to ten glasses of water at least, and many of the following foods discussed in this document will help battle the flu and other ailments.

Many foods are beneficial to the immune system. Yogurt is a source of probiotics which are healthy bacteria that keep the intestinal tract disease free. A study from the University of Vienna in Austria found that a seven-ounce amount of yogurt was proven as effective as medication for boosting immunity. Lactobacillus reuteri, a specific probiotic, stimulates white blood cell proliferation. Yogurt that contains a "Live and Active Cultures" seal are beneficial, but Stonyfield Farm is the only United States brand that contains this very important strain. Oats and barley contain beta-glucan which is a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities greater that Echinacea according to a Norwegian study. This compound boosts immunity, speeds wound healing, and may help antibiotics to work well. Garlic contains allicin which fights infection and bacteria. In a British study, garlic consumption resulted in participants being two-thirds less likely to catch a cold. Other studies also demonstrate garlic reduces the risk of colorectal and stomach cancer. Shellfish including oysters, lobsters, crabs, and clams contain selenium. Selenium helps white blood cells produce proteins called cytokines that aid in removing flu viruses from the body. Salmon, mackerel, and herring are abundant in omega-3 fatty-acids that reduce inflammation, increase air flow, and protect lungs from colds and infections. Researchers at the University of Nebraska tested chicken soup and found all brands except chicken flavored ramen noodles blocked inflammatory white blood cell migration. Cold symptoms are a result of the accumulation of these cells within the bronchial tubes. The amino acid cysteine released during cooking chicken resembles the bronchitis medication acetylcysteine. The broth thins mucus like cough medicines. Beef is a good source of zinc. Zinc deficiency is common among American adults. Even a mild zinc deficiency can increase risk of infection. Zinc is very important in white blood cell development. It is used by the intrepid immune system cells that recognize and destroy bacteria, viruses, and microbes. One of the major organs of the immune system is the skin. It serves as our first-line defense against bacteria, viruses, and other undesired substances. For health, the skin requires vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A. Last, but not least, are mushrooms. For centuries, people have used mushrooms for a healthy immune system. Studies show that mushrooms increase production and activity of white blood cells. These are some foods that will promote the immune system to hopefully act like the apple a day to keep the doctors away. For excellent nutrition software with hundreds of healthy meal plans developed in seconds to meet any needs, please visit