The best way to develop nutritional programs for weight loss is by using body fat measurement. By using a body fat measurement, calculations dependent on body density can provide information to reach an exact body fat desired by a client. Body fat is also desirable to determine if a desired bodyweight for an individual is healthy or realistic. A body fat below seven for a male and twelve for a female is generally considered unhealthy and may compromise normal physiological or hormonal function. By using a accurate measurement, the time frame necessary can be calculated to reach a specific goal. This is most valuable for competition or peaking at the correct time for an event or ultimate sports performance. Proper programs will promote weight loss that will allow individuals to reach an exact body fat without losing muscle mass or damaging resting metabolic rate. Per ACSM, losing more than two and a half pounds per week equates to muscle loss in most cases. Therefore, very rapid weight loss is usually not beneficial for ultimate health and sports performance. The most precise way to develop nutrition and meal plans is to start with an accurate body fat measurement. Please visit for more articles and information Eat smart.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/04/2017 - 13:14