Vibration platforms have been proven to increase circulation, flexibility, strength, and power. These platforms provide mechanical stimuli which make the muscle spindle proprioceptors respond as it was being overstretched by eliciting a neural impulse for the muscle fiber to contract. This response is what provides so many benefits. Vibration is a tremendous workout. The slight stretching of vibration allows the muscle fiber to contract thirty to sixty times per second. The vibration increases circulation, flexibility, strength, hormone production, collagen production, and lymph drainage. It also reduces joint pain and inflammation. The hormonal response is outstanding. Several minutes of vibration can increase growth hormone levels by almost four hundred percent and testosterone by approximately fifteen percent.

There is over fifty years of research available on vibration platforms continually proving beneficial results. As space travel became possible, the Russians would send astronauts into space for a year or greater sometimes. The astronauts had such severe atrophy afterwards that they often needed help leaving the spacecraft. On other missions, they took vibration platforms to space and used them somehow. The astronauts on this mission returned without muscle and bone atrophy.

The thought became that if these were the results in a no gravity environment, let us add gravity. So, vibration platforms were started. The mechanical stimuli create a neural response that allows ninety-five percent of muscle fibers to contract together. All muscle fiber types are stimulated. This muscle contraction produces incredible blood flow and hormone response. The large increase in growth hormone helps treat osteoporosis and lowers body fat percentage. Vibration therapy increases collagen production benefiting tendons, ligaments, skin, and all connective tissue. Vibration is known to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Vibration therapy produces many beneficial health effects including a boost in immune response but is contraindicated for people with cancer or active tumors due to the blood flow and growth hormone response not being beneficial. Someone with hernia or hernia repair may be aggravated by the deep muscle contraction. Vibrational platforms are an innovative approach for improving orthopedic healing, flexibility, bone mineral density, strength, power, aerobic capacity, and body composition. For a low impact, intense workout get to the closest vibration plate. For more articles on health and nutrition, please visit