Determining Intensity For 3 modes of Aerobic Exercise to Improve Health and Fitness

The purpose of this document is to show how to determine intensity using several modes of aerobic exercise. Exercise testing provides the information needed to determine exercise intensity based on metabolic equations. The simplest way to do this is providing the equations for determining the appropriate intensity to reach a desired target heart rate.

Behind TPN is excellent for nutrition software with special features that are fast, easy, and very effective. The software was created to very quickly provide tailored cardiovascular nutrition including breakdowns, with meal plans in seconds, and resistance training programs. This very unique software was developed by exercise physiologist, Mark Glusco. Mark has a Master of Science degree in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Science and Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science with a minor in Natural Science.

OT Transformation into Competition Shape

Omar Taylor was a collegiate football player as a defensive end at Coastal Carolina University. After his football career ended, Omar continued to lift weights, not following what you would call a strict diet. Before anyone knew it, Omar weighed three hundred forty pounds and was not in good shape. Omar was a former football player and bodybuilder, but now was so out of shape. Omar did not just decide to lose weight, but also decided to compete in a bodybuilding competition and set the date.

Development of Outstanding Program (TPN)

Shortly after former severely overweight client Omar Taylor transformed into an extremely talented, competitive bodybuilder joined forces with exercise physiologist Mark Glusco, great things started to happen. Omar had a transformation that changed his life and dreams. One afternoon, Mark had his face plastered against a computer screen to view a database he was using to develop meal plans. Mark always provided clients with daily nutritional breakdown, a number of meals, meal plans, and a healthy, effective cardiovascular program.

TPN Perfect Bodies Web Application

The purpose of this correspondence is to speak to healthcare, wellness, and fitness professionals regarding an innovative platform called TPN was developed to save numerous hours of time and significantly increase revenue for facilities specializing in Improving health and quality of life for their members and clients. accomplishes this by providing individually tailored cardiovascular programs, nutrition breakdowns including hundreds of meals developed in seconds, and hundreds of resistance training options from which to choose.


The 3 Benefits of Understanding Oxygen Consumption

Oxygen consumption is essential to sustain life. The ability to take in and utilize oxygen is necessary for optimal health. At rest everyone consumes 3.5 ml/kg/min. which is one metabolic equivalent to oxygen consumption or MET. METs are used to gauge the intensity of activities based on oxygen consumption. In the American College of Sports Medicine Guideline for Exercise Testing and Prescription, there is a table of activities from A to Z and a range or MET values associated with each activity.

Importance of BMR

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate of energy expenditure per unit time at rest. It can be expressed in units ranging from watts, milliliters of oxygen consumption per minute, or joule per hour per kilogram of body mass. The amount of oxygen an individual takes in and utilizes at rest is equal to 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute or one Metabolic equivalent to oxygen consumption referred to as one MET. METs estimate the intensity of aerobic activities based on oxygen consumption during and compared to a resting state.

The 2 Ways (Formulas) to CalculateTarget Heart Rates for Safety, Health, and Fitness

For best fat burning results, cardiovascular target heart rates should be used. To determine a target heart rate for an apparently healthy person with controlled risk factors and not using any medication that affects heart rate and dynamics will use age predicted maximum heart rate or APMHR to determine the best cardiovascular target zone. APMHR is two hundred twenty minus age. Sixty to eighty percent of this the aerobic energy system burning fatty-acids and carbohydrates. At eighty to ninety percent, the subject is burning a combination of protein and carbohydrates.

The 3 Factors that Determine Body Composition

The purpose of this document is to discuss the factors that promote body fat deposition. The primary factor is that daily caloric intake is greater than caloric expenditure determined by activity and basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is a function of height and age. This calculation would determine that everyone of the same age and height burns calories the same. Intuition and experience demonstrate that this is far from the truth. The daily caloric intake consumed repeatedly determines bodyweight.
