The Great Importance of Caloric Intake Vs. Expenditure

For decades, the dietary recommendations to combat heart disease were high carbohydrates, low protein, and minimal fat. This approach has contributed to an incredible number of Americans having obesity, diabetes, and other chronic disease. Most healthcare professionals and health enthusiasts are starting to realize this high carbohydrate prescription is probably not the greatest idea. Many throw out the terms glycemic index and carbohydrate count to simplify dietary recommendations. Some say that if you eat too many carbohydrates or the wrong carbohydrates a person will become obese.

The 3 Keys to Healthy Nutrition Programs

There are three keys to healthy nutrition programs. These determine the effect the food that an individual consumes has on his or her body and physiological processes. Healthy weight loss and gain without the loss of lean body mass and not speed should always be the goal. Losing more than two and a half pounds per week equates to muscle loss per ACSM.