Bodybuilding programs use high protein, low to moderate carbohydrates, and low fat. The protein is energetically favorable because it requires energy to process during the process of deamination. This process also benefits the competitor because of the dehydration effect allowing him or her to...
Inflammation is associated with most diseases that plague society including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and bowel disease. Consuming foods with an anti-inflammatory effect can alleviate symptoms of these diseases and may cure them. For this reason, anti-inflammatory...
Muscles shorten or contract to move the skeleton. The origin of the muscle is where it begins and the insertion is where it attaches. The insertion moves toward the origin during contraction. A muscle has a connective tissue covering called the epimysium. A little deeper are bundles of muscle fiber...
Exercise testing and conditioning are done on treadmills, cycles, and arm ergometers. For all these testing modalities, there are metabolic equations that determine oxygen consumption and caloric expenditure. The equation for walking on a motor driven treadmill is .1 (m/min.) +( 1.8 x m/min. x...
The human body is always attempting to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis literally means equilibrium or balance. The human body needs to maintain reasonably strict physiological parameters to maximize health. For this reason, abnormal caloric or nutrient restriction or over consumption used by many...
Exercise testing is done to assess cardiac dynamics and aerobic capacity. The primary way people are exercise tested in the U.S. is on a treadmill using the Bruce protocol. Generally, cardiac compromised patients do not possess the ability to run for very long or at all for many reasons. Therefore...
Frequently asked questions:How do I choose the best program for me?People who are currently sedentary should choose the weight loss program; this program will provide a perfectly balanced diet to boost metabolism. People that exercise two or more times per week should choose the active weight loss...
Amino acids all have a similar structure. They contain a central carbon with a carboxylic acid group, amino group, hydrogen and an R group which specifies the name of the amino acid. There are eleven non-essential and nine essential amino acids. Non-essential amino acids are produced at a...
The percentages of macronutrients consumed by an individual determine how the body is sculpted. It is important to use a balanced diet to boost metabolism in a currently sedentary person. Cardiovascular exercise is very important for overall health, longevity, and burning body fat. The active...
Do you love spicy foods? I do. Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers. It is generally an irritant to mammals including humans and causes a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact. Because of the burning sensation caused by capsaicin when it meets mucous...
