Foods and Vitamins to Battle Osteoporosis

Worldwide, osteoporosis causes 8.9 million fractures annually resulting in a fracture every three seconds. Osteoporosis is estimated to affect two hundred million women. Osteoporosis affects an estimated 75 million people in Europe, USA, and Japan. One in three women over the age of fifty will experience fractures related to osteoporosis as will one in five men over the age of fifty.

The Best Foods for Sleep

Adequate sleep has proven to have a beneficial effect on overall health. Many adults have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or finding enough time to sleep. A good night's sleep provides energy, promotes immunity, skin elasticity, and lowers blood pressure which are all components of health.

Nutrition to boost the immune system

The saying is that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. It turns out that eating the right foods will boost the immune system. The immune system works well with adequate servings of fruits and vegetables, eight to ten glasses of water at least, and many of the following foods discussed in this document will help battle the flu and other ailments.

The 7 Foods that Promote mental health

The foods we consume can have a profound impact on mental health. A diet can be created that benefits brain development, cognitive function, and slows the aging process to decrease the risk of conditions like Alzheimer's disease or dementia. The remainder of this document will discuss foods that will have a positive effect on mental processes, diseases, and health.

Foods that May Be Bad for Cognitive Processes and Mental health

There are foods that can have a negative impact on memory, cognitive processes, and emotional health. High glycemic index foods can have a detrimental impact on the brain resulting in emotional health impairment and increased risk of depression. A 2015 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that post-menopausal women who eat foods with a high glycemic index like white bread, rice, cornflakes, and potatoes have a higher incidence of new onset depression. The more lactose, fiber, fruit, and vegetables participants ate the less likely they were to get depressed.

The 2 Ways (Formulas) to Calculate Target Heart Rates for Safety, Health, and Fitness

For the best fat burning results, cardiovascular target heart rates should be used. To determine a target heart rate for an apparently healthy person with controlled risk factors and not using any medication that affects heart rate and dynamics will use age predicted maximum heart rate or APMHR to determine the best cardiovascular target zone. APMHR is two hundred twenty minus ages. Sixty to eighty percent of this uses the aerobic energy system burning fatty-acids and carbohydrates. At eighty to ninety percent, the subject is burning a combination of protein and carbohydrates.

Resistance training procedures for cardiac rehabilitation

There are several benefits of resistance training for all populations. Muscle atrophy and strength loss are known to occur with age. Muscle atrophy as we age is well documented and presents health concerns to an aging population regarding quality of life and health status. Age related decrements in health are decreased energy expenditure, increased body fat, and reduced in insulin sensitivity. Quality of life is affected by reduced strength, endurance, and difficulty in being physically active.

The 5 Types of Body Composition Analyses

Aspects of body composition such as amount and distribution of body fat as well as amount and composition of lean body mass are now understood to be important outcomes in adults, infants, and children. Body composition is a key component of health for both individuals and populations. A perpetual epidemic of obesity in adults and children demonstrates the importance of body fat measurements for health short and long term. Body composition measurements predict body fat from body parameters and measurements.

The 3 Primary Hormones and Effects of Catabolism

Catabolism or catabolic means the breakdown of complex molecules to simpler ones with release of energy or destructive metabolism. Catabolism is the process of transforming chemical fuels such as glucose into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Catabolic hormones include epinephrine, cortisol, and glucagon.

The 4 Hormones Responsible for and effects on Anabolism

Anabolism and anabolic means the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones with the storage of energy or constructive metabolism. The processes produce growth and differentiation of cells, increase in body size, and involve synthesis of complex molecules. Anabolic hormones in the human body include testosterone, insulin, growth hormone, and Insulin-Like Growth Factors or IGF. These hormones promote tissue growth. Resistance training promotes tissue growth in part by increasing these hormones.
