The 5 Elements of a Long Life Span

The United States of America is a great country and this is not a political debate. This country is not among the healthiest populations despite many medical advances. The purpose of this article is not to be critical, but rather discuss health and longevity. Our country seems to have the magic pill syndrome in which it requires fast results regardless of consequences in health and longevity. Extreme nutrition concepts like ketogenic (Atkins), intermittent fasting, and weight loss supplements as well as claims are rampant.

Does the Exercise Order Dramatically Effect Results?

The following question has been asked to me many times. If an individual is doing both resistance training and cardiovascular exercise, which one should be done first? For body composition, it makes little difference. Resistance training depletes glycogen stores, so it makes sense to train it first to begin burning fat at the very beginning of the cardiovascular session. When the cardiovascular session is completed first, aerobic metabolism is reached at approximately ninety seconds. The ATP-PC system lasts about ten seconds. The net result is eighty more seconds of fat burning.

Common sense

A friend of mine was getting prepared for a figure competition and asked me to do a skinfold analysis to determine her body fat. Of course, I agreed to help her because she was very nice and an exceptional athlete. She was six weeks from the show. The body fat was fifteen percent which sent her into a mild panic. I told her not to worry that there was still time to get her into competition shape. She was only consuming twenty grams of carbohydrates per day to be in ketosis to burn fat.

The 6 Amazing Benefits of Vibration Fitness

Vibration platforms have been proven to increase circulation, flexibility, strength, and power. These platforms provide mechanical stimuli which make the muscle spindle proprioceptors respond as it was being overstretched by eliciting a neural impulse for the muscle fiber to contract. This response is what provides so many benefits. Vibration is a tremendous workout. The slight stretching of vibration allows the muscle fiber to contract thirty to sixty times per second. The vibration increases circulation, flexibility, strength, hormone production, collagen production, and lymph drainage.

The 2 (Major) Hormones of and Blood Sugar Regulation

Maintaining normal blood sugar values is very important to overall health. Normal blood sugars are between eighty and one hundred twenty milligrams per deciliter. A blood sugar of seventy milligrams per deciliter will make a person feel extremely hungry. Under seventy is considered hypoglycemia, meaning low blood sugar. Blood sugar over one hundred twenty for an extended time is referred to as hyperglycemia or high blood sugar.

The Great Importance of Caloric Intake Vs. Expenditure

For decades, the dietary recommendations to combat heart disease were high carbohydrates, low protein, and minimal fat. This approach has contributed to an incredible number of Americans having obesity, diabetes, and other chronic disease. Most healthcare professionals and health enthusiasts are starting to realize this high carbohydrate prescription is probably not the greatest idea. Many throw out the terms glycemic index and carbohydrate count to simplify dietary recommendations. Some say that if you eat too many carbohydrates or the wrong carbohydrates a person will become obese.

The truth about Ketones

Ketone bodies are three water soluble molecules that are produced by the liver during times of fasting, carbohydrate restrictive diets, starvation, prolonged intense exercise, or inadequately treated type 1 diabetes. Ketone bodies are manufactured by the liver when too much protein is being used for energy. The dangers of ketone formation are that ketones are toxic to the brain and central nervous system function. Ketone presence in large enough quantities for prolonged periods of time in extreme cases may cause death. Ketone and keto-acidosis are terms that describe this condition.

The 4 Health Benefits of Fiber and Best Sources

Fiber is generally complex carbohydrates that the body cannot completely digest or absorb. There is soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows motility through the gastrointestinal tract, helping satiety or making an individual fill full. Insoluble fiber is beneficial in digestive health and promotes regularity.

Custom program

The custom program gives the user the ability to develop meal plans based on whatever nutrient parameters desired. This program uses specific percentages of nutrients established by the needs of the user or client. The custom program features the ability to use macronutrients and parameters of any current program whether effective or not and produce a protocol on the spot. The user can accommodate any breakdown desired and establish many meal plans to achieve the protocol. Tpnbodyperfect provides this feature making it very innovative and encompassing any theories on nutrition.

Muscle gain program

The weight gain program is for people who cannot put on a pound. It uses lower protein with much higher carbohydrates and fat to provide energy for an extreme ectomorph to use amino acids for muscle hypertrophy. Some people wishing to engage in sports or activities requiring size and strength will benefit from this program. Many individuals with very fast metabolisms can use the glycemic index and insulin response, but in an entirely different manner. If you are struggling to put on pounds of muscle, this is the program for you.
