The 9 Best (Food Groups) Protein Sources

Adequate protein consumption is important for optimal health and having a positive nitrogen balance and amino acid profile aids in muscle gain and maintenance at any age. Many professionals recommend one gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass desired. The purpose of this document is not to investigate protein needs for a certain desired body composition goal, but to discuss the functions of protein within the body and various sources including benefits and drawbacks of each category of protein source.

The 2 Major Benefits of Proper Acid Base Balance

Many foods we consume produce an acid or alkaline base known as bicarbonate that is released into the bloodstream after being digested, absorbed, and metabolized. Grains, fish, meat, poultry, shellfish, cheese, milk, and salt release acid. Too many of these foods can increase acidity which depletes valuable minerals. Highly acidic intake over time may result in heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or bone, joint, and muscle weakness. Cultures that do not have access to many fruits and vegetables have a very highly acidic diet. Eskimos eat large amounts of seal meat and fish.

Common sense

A friend of mine was getting prepared for a figure competition and asked me to do a skinfold analysis to determine her body fat. Of course, I agreed to help her because she was very nice and an exceptional athlete. She was six weeks from the show. The body fat was fifteen percent which sent her into a mild panic. I told her not to worry that there was still time to get her into competition shape. She was only consuming twenty grams of carbohydrates per day to be in ketosis to burn fat.

The 4 Health Benefits of Fiber and Best Sources

Fiber is generally complex carbohydrates that the body cannot completely digest or absorb. There is soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows motility through the gastrointestinal tract, helping satiety or making an individual fill full. Insoluble fiber is beneficial in digestive health and promotes regularity.

Custom program

The custom program gives the user the ability to develop meal plans based on whatever nutrient parameters desired. This program uses specific percentages of nutrients established by the needs of the user or client. The custom program features the ability to use macronutrients and parameters of any current program whether effective or not and produce a protocol on the spot. The user can accommodate any breakdown desired and establish many meal plans to achieve the protocol. Tpnbodyperfect provides this feature making it very innovative and encompassing any theories on nutrition.

Effective Carbohydrate Count

Other programs that do not work well prescribe excessive carbohydrates. For twenty years with great results, forty percent carbohydrates have been used for weight gain. This is the lowest percentage carbohydrates used by other programs. With forty to sixty percent carbs, clients engage in poor, ineffective diet programs. For example, if a man wants to reach a goal of two hundred pounds, he is prescribed between 260 to 390 grams (about 13.76 oz) of carbs per day in a weight loss attempt. This is excessive and ineffective.

The 6 Functions and Importance of Protein

Amino acids all have a similar structure. They contain a central carbon with a carboxylic acid group, amino group, hydrogen and an R group which specifies the name of the amino acid. There are eleven non-essential and nine essential amino acids. Non-essential amino acids are produced at a sufficient rate by the body to meet its needs. Essential amino acids must be consumed in proper amounts to meet homeostatic needs. A complete protein contains all essential amino acids.

The Percentages of macroutrients Sculpt the Body

The percentages of macronutrients consumed by an individual determine how the body is sculpted. It is important to use a balanced diet to boost metabolism in a currently sedentary person. Cardiovascular exercise is very important for overall health, longevity, and burning body fat. The active weight loss program increases protein slightly to maintain muscle with a positive nitrogen balance. Bodybuilding and figure contestants increase protein even further for the dehydration effect. Bodybuilding preparation time should generally last between eight and twelve weeks.

The 5 Structures, Function, and Metabolism of Carbohydrates

Let us start with sugar. The word for sugar is saccharide. “Mono” means one. The monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glucose will bind with other sugars to form a disaccharide. Glucose binds with fructose to form sucrose or table sugar. Fructose is the sugar found in fruit. Glucose binds with galactose to form lactose which is milk sugar. Glucose can bind other glucose to form maltose. Maltose gets together and before you know it we have dextrin. This progresses to polysaccharides and complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide energy for all body processes.

The 3 Types of Fat and Effect on Health

Fat is a basically a glycerol molecule with fatty- acid chains added. These fatty-acid chains can be saturated with hydrogens or not. This means that all carbons in the fatty-acid chain have all the hydrogen atoms possible. A fatty acid is not saturated and has carbons with double bonds. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can have many double bonds. Monounsaturated fatty acids have a single double bond.
